Project Objectives
1Map hydrocarbon distribution offshore of Coal Oil Point
a. Map gas bubbles using sonar (3.5 and 50 kHz)
b. Map gas bubbles and sea bed geology using side scan sonar (100 kHz)
c. Map oil slicks with remote sensing 2Quantify gas emissions from the Coal Oil Point seepfield a. Determine the amount of oil seeping with the gas at selected seeps
b. Quantify the input of methane and Reactive Organic Gases emitted from the seeps into the local environment, currently and over time
c. Provide an estimate of methane input to the atmosphere from other continental shelf locations around the world 3Quantify oil emissions
a. Determine the amount of oil seeping with the gas at selected seeps
b. Estimate oil emission rate for the Coal Oil Point seep field based on oil/gas ratio and total gas flux for the field 4Identify space and time variations in hydrocarbon seep emission rates a. Long term - over periods of years
b. Short term - hours, days; at the Seep Tents 5Measure the composition and properties of an oil slick as it ages a. Composition of oil slicks with increasing time
b. Biodegradation of oil slicks as they age
c. Toxicity of evaporates from oil slicks 6Determine the effects of local oil production on seepage rates a. Determine capture rate at Seep Tents
b. Correlate Tent capture with production
c. Determine reservoir pressure with time
d. Map gas seeps over time 7Model flow in the local ocean to predict hydrocarbon dispersion
a. Determine bubble plume dynamics (strong upwelling in bubble plumes)
b. Determine dissolution rates of gasses into seawater
c. Determine dissolutions of oil in seawater