December 2005

Publications of UCSB Seeps Group on Coal Oil Point (not including abstracts)

Luyendyk, B.P., J.P. Kennett, and J. Clark, Hypothesis for Increased Atmospheric Methane Input from Hydrocarbon Seeps on Exposed Continental Shelves during Glacial Low Sea Level, Marine and Petroleum Geology, 22 (4), 591-596, 2005.

Leifer, I., and J. Boles, Measurement of marine hydrocarbon seep flow through fractured rock and unconsolidated sediment, Marine and Petroleum Geology, 22, 551–568, 2005.

Washburn, L., J.F. Clark, and P. Kyriakidisc, The spatial scales, distribution, and intensity of natural marine hydrocarbon seeps near Coal Oil Point, California, Marine and Petroleum Geology, 22, 569–578, 2005.

Leifer, I., and J.R. Boles, Turbine tent measurements of marine hydrocarbon seeps on subhourly timescales, Journal Geophysical Research, 110 (C01006), doi:10.1029/2003JC002207, 2005.

Leifer, I., K. Wilson, J. Tarpley, R. Lewis, R. Imai, K. Mayer, and C. Moore, Factors affecting marine hydrocarbon emissions in an area of natural seeps and abandoned oil wells - Summerland, California, in Proc. International Oil Spill Conference, May 15-19, 2005, pp. 14718A, EIS Digital Publishing, Miami, FL, 2005.

Leifer, I., T. Del Sontro, B. Luyendyk, and K. Broderick, Time evolution of beach tar, oil slicks, and seeps in the Coal Oil Point seep field, Santa Barbara Channel, California, in Proceedings International Oil Spill Conference, May 15-19, 2005, pp. 14718A, EIS Digital Publishing, Miami, FL, 2005.

Leifer, I., and J.R. Boles, Turbine seep-tent measurements of marine hydrocarbon seep forcing on sub-hourly time scales, Journal Geophysical Research - Oceans, 110 (C1), C01007, DOI 10.1029/2003JC002207, 2005.

Leifer, I., B.P. Luyendyk, and K. Broderick, Tracking an oil slick from multiple natural sources, Coal Oil Point, California, Marine and Petroleum Geology, Submitted, 2005.

Leifer, I., D. Roberts, J. Margolis, and F. Kinnamen, Remote Sensing of Methane emissions from natural marine hydrocarbon seeps, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Submitted, 2005.

DiGiacomo, P.M., L. Washburn, B. Holt, and B.H. Jones, Coastal pollution hazards in southern California observed by SAR imagery: stormwater plumes, wastewater plumes, and natural hydrocarbon seeps, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 49, 1013-1024, 2004.

Valentine, D.L., A. Chidthaisong, A. Rice, W.S. Reeburgh, and S.C. Tyler, Carbon and hydrogen isotope fractionation by moderately thermophilic methanogens, Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta, 68, 1571-1590, 2004.

Leifer, I., J.R. Boles, B.P. Luyendyk, and J.F. Clark, Transient discharges from marine hydrocarbon seeps: spatial and temporal variability, Environmental Geology, 46, 1038–1052 DOI 10.1007/s00254-004-1091-3, 2004.

La Montagne, G., I. Leifer, S. Bergmann, L.C. Van De Werfhorst, and P.A. Holden, Bacterial diversity in marine hydrocarbon-seep sediments, Environmental Microbiology, 6 (8), 799-808, 2004.

Boles, J.R., P. Eichhubl, G. Garven, and J. Chen, Evolution of a hydrocarbon migration pathway along basin bounding faults: Evidence from fault cement, American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, 88 (7), 947-970, 2004.

Roy, L.A., S. Steinert, S.M. Bay, D. Greensteain, Y. Sapozhnikova, O. Bawardi, I. Leifer, and D. Schlenk, Biochemical effects of petroleum exposure in hornyhead turbot (Pleuronichthys verticalis) exposed to a gradient of sediments collected from a natural petroleum seep in CA, USA, Aquatic Toxicology, 65 (2), 159-169, 2003.

Leifer, I., B. Luyendyk, and K. Broderick, Tracking seep oil from seabed to sea surface and beyond at Coal Oil Point, California (abstract), AAPG Annual Convention, May 11-13, 2003, Salt Lake City, Utah, in Search and Discovery, American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Tulsa, OK, 2003.

Leifer, I., G. De Leeuw, and L.H. Cohen, Optical measurement of bubbles: System‚ design and application, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 20 (9), 1317-1332, 2003.

Leifer, I., G. De Leeuw, G. Kunz, and L. Cohen, Calibrating optical bubble size by the displaced mass method, Chemical Engineering Science, 58 (23/24), 5211-5216, 2003.

Leifer, I., and I.R. MacDonald, Dynamics of the gas flux from shallow gas hydrate deposits: Interaction between oily hydrate bubbles and the oceanic environment, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 210, 411-424, 2003.

Kennett, J.P., K.G. Cannariato, I.L. Hendy, and R.J. Behl, Role of Methane Hydrates in Late Quaternary Climatic Change: The Clathrate Gun Hypothesis, 216 pp., American Geophysical Union, 2003.

Clark, J.F., I. Leifer, L. Washburn, and B.P. Luyendyk, Compositional changes in natural gas bubble plumes: Observations from the Coal Oil Point marine hydrocarbon seep field, Geo-Marine Letters, 23, 187-193 DOI 10.1007/s00367-003-0137-y, 2003.

MacDonald, I.R., I. Leifer, R. Sassen, P. Stine, R. Mitchell, and J.R. Guinasso, Transfer of hydrocarbons from natural seeps to the water column and atmosphere, Geofluids, 2, 95-107, 2002.

Luyendyk, B.P., J.P. Kennett, and J. Clark, Increase in methane input to the atmosphere from hydrocarbon seeps on the world’s continental shelves during lowered sea level (abstract), AAPG HEDBERG CONFERENCE “Near-Surface Hydrocarbon Migration: Mechanisms and Seepage Rates” April 7-10, 2002, Vancouver, BC, Canada, in Search and Discovery, American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Tulsa, OK, 2002.

Leifer, I., J. Clark, and B. Luyendyk, From the Seabed to the Sea Surface: Measurements and Implications of Hydrocarbon Seepage in the Santa Barbara Channel (abstract), AAPG HEDBERG CONFERENCE “Near-Surface Hydrocarbon Migration: Mechanisms and Seepage Rates” April 7-10, 2002, Vancouver, BC, Canada, Search and Discovery, Article #90006(2002), 2002.

Leifer, I., and J.F. Clark, Modeling trace gases in hydrocarbon seep bubbles: Application to marine hydrocarbon seeps in the Santa Barbara Channel, Russian J. Geology Geophys., 47, 572-579, 2002.

Washburn, L., C. Johnson, C.G. Gotschalk, and E.T. Egland, A gas capture buoy for measuring bubbling gas flux in oceans and lakes, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 18, 1411-1420, 2001.

Valentine, D.L., D.C. Blanton, W.S. Reeburgh, and M. Kastner, Water column methane oxidation adjacent to an area of active hydrate dissociation, Eel River Basin, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 65, 2633-2640, 2001.

Luyendyk, B.P., and E.T. Egland, Variation in Discharge from Marine Hydrocarbon Seeps at Coal Oil Point, CA: Implications for Offshore Oil Production, pp. 42, Institute for Crustal Studies, Univ. California, Santa Barbara, 2001.

Boles, J.R., J.F. Clark, I. Leifer, and L. Washburn, Temporal variation in natural methane seep rate due to tides, Coal Oil point area, California, Journal Geophysical Research - Oceans, 106 (C11), 27,077-27,086, 2001.

Leifer, I., J.F. Clark, and R.F. Chen, Modifications of the local environment by natural marine hydrocarbon seeps, Geophysical Research Letters, 27 (22), 3711-3714, 2000.

Egland, E.T., Direct Capture of Gaseous Emissions from Natural Marine Hydrocarbon Seeps offshore of Coal Oil Point, M. A. thesis, Univ. of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, California, 2000.

Clark, J.F., L. Washburn, J.S. Hornafius, and B.P. Luyendyk, Natural Marine Hydrocarbon Seep Source of Dissolved Methane to California Coastal Waters, Journal Geophysical Research - Oceans, 105, 11,509-11,522, 2000.

Quigley, D.C., J.S. Hornafius, B.P. Luyendyk, R.D. Francis, J.F. Clark, and L. Washburn, Decrease in Natural Marine Hydrocarbon Seepage near Coal Oil Point, California Associated with Offshore Oil Production, Geology, 27 (11), 1047-1050, 1999.

Hornafius, J.S., D.C. Quigley, and B.P. Luyendyk, The world’s most spectacular marine hydrocarbons seeps (Coal Oil Point, Santa Barbara Channel, California): quantification of emissions, Journal Geophysical Research - Oceans, 104 (C9), 20703-20711, 1999.

Quigley, D.C., Quantitative spatial and temporal variations in the distribution of natural marine hydrocarbon seeps in the Santa Barbara Channel, California, M.S. thesis, Univ. of Calif at Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, 1997.

Luyendyk, B.P., J.S. Hornafius, R.D. Quigley, and J. Francis, Geophysical investigation to determine impacts of oil production on natural hydrocarbon seepage, in Calif. Energy Stud. Project: Santa Barbara Channel Final Rep. 1995/1996, Univ. of Calif. Energy Inst., Berkeley, 1996.

Hornafius, J.S., and S.M. Clester, Remote sensing study of historical changes in natural oil slick volumes in the Santa Barbara Channel: Final Report 1995/1996, Calif. Energy Stud. Project, Principal Investigators Estes, J. E., Scepan, J., pp. 11, University of California Energy Institute, Berkeley, 1996.

Clester, S.M., J.S. Hornafius, J. Scepan, and J.E. Estes, Quantification of the relationship between natural gas seepage rates and surface oil volume in the Santa Barbara Channel, (abstract), EOS (American Geophysical Union Transactions), 77 (46), F419, 1996.

Clark, J.F., P. Schlosser, M. Stute, and H.J. Simpson, SF6-3He tracer release experiment: A new method of determining longitudinal dispersion coefficients in large rivers, Environmental Science and Technology, 30, 1527-1532, 1996.

Estes, J.E., R.E. Crippen, and J.L. Star, Natural oil seep detection in the Santa Barbara Channel, California, with Shuttle imaging radar, Geology, 13, 282-284, 1985.