Natural Hydrocarbon seepage Photo and Movie Gallery
fluxbuoy with sonar boat RV Ballena in back
fluxbuoy in ocean
towing the fluxbuoy
sampling oil slicks with dead Phacellophora jelly
Phacellophora camtschatica jelly dead in slicks
Pelagia colorata jelly dead in slicks
a large seep offshore of Coal Oil Point
natural seep gas bubbles at surface
seep vent and bubble plume at the seafloor
seep vent Quicktime movie (work in progress)
onshore oil seep in a tidepool Quicktime movie (work in progress)
seep vent with fish tail
seep vent, fish moving off
oil slick near UCSB Campus Point
Nekton Inc. submarine which took some photos
tar on the rocks
ring left by oil bubble at the sea surface
large tar mat offshore from the air
oil bubbles in tidepool
mussels on the rocks dealing with the tar deposits